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Kitchen Shelfs from Blue Pine Property


Blue Pine Property Management
Property Leasing Helena

We are excited to announce that we have strategically partnered with Bigfoot Management Group on all of our long term rentals. Please visit for more information on available rentals and long term property management inquiries. 

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Blue Pine Property Management

Fee Structure

​The monthly rate, or PM fee, is 10% of rental income for residential properties that do not require special attention or services. 

This amount covers all tenant relations and regular occurrences for the property such as paying monthly bills, maintaining current ledgers and financials, monthly Owner Draws, and basic maintenance management.

  • Single Family Housing
    $300 Management Agreement fee $300 Leasing and Marketing fee backed by our 90-day guarantee (if the tenant breaks their lease within 90 days, we will place the next tenant free of charge). 10% of rents taken in
  • Multifamily Housing
    Each multifamily unit is unique. Please contact us for a free estimate of custom pricing.
Property Maintenance Helena Montana


A good rule of thumb for maintenance is that if we can solve the problem in one or two phone calls it is covered under the monthly PM fee. If a maintenance issue requires more attention and you as the owner do not want to handle it yourself, an affordable hourly rate will be charged for management of the concern.

Blue Pine has worked diligently to form strong vendor relationships and in most cases will direct larger maintenance issues to these vendors if Blue Pine is unable to solve the concern in house.

Owner Portal

​Blue Pine utilizes an online portal for both owners and tenants allowing access at your convenience. Owners can view all details of their property and financials with this user friendly platform. Blue Pine sends Owner Draws on a monthly basis through an online transfer saving you a trip to the bank. 

Blue Pine Property Management
Blue Pine Property Management
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